What Diseases Are Awaiting You Down the Road If You Don't Get Your Vitamin D Today!

Vitamin D for the Long Term

Could Vitamin D be more essential within the Long Term than the Short Term? When Researchers located out that Vitamin D Deficiency changed into the motive of Rickets, they idea that their troubles had been solved. Minute amounts of Vitamin D in milk basically solved the Rickets problem. End of tale, pat at the back, job well accomplished boys. We can now go remedy some greater critical international health problems, proper?

Well, so much more studies is being discovered out approximately Vitamin D, however medical doctors are still within the "If you Don't have Rickets you then do not have Vitamin D Deficiency" mode of the 1800's and sadly, it does not appear to be it's going to alternate anytime quickly. But what Researchers are actually showing is that Certain Vitamins can motive obvious short time period troubles at ONE LEVEL of Deficiency, and other- no-so-apparent problems if a HIGHER degree if now not met.

Vitamin D, along side Calcium and Folic Acid, is one of those Vitamins.

The US won't have a rickets epidemic anymore, but we still have a RAMPANT EPIDEMIC of Vitamin D Deficiency Diseases which can be going overlooked. The mounds of research is all however SCREAMING this reality, but doctors still cannot see past rickets to research the LONG TERM INSIDIOUS DISEASES caused by the long term outcomes of Vitamin D Deficiency!

These diseases, called Long Latency Diseases, are visible simplest after many years of low stage Vitamin D Deficiency.

Surprisingly these sicknesses look a LOT like the sizable majority of persistent ailments that medical doctors have had certainly no success in treating! These Diseases consist of:

Heart Disease
Periodontal Disease
Chronic Pain Conditions
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
"Dementia" and Mental Decline
Loss of functioning in antique age
Breast, colon and many other cancers
None of these diseases are very aware of pills- and sufferers maintain going back to the health practitioner. Sometimes patients cross from medical doctor to health practitioner and get on an assortment of different drugs- One, and every so often two tablets, for EACH of those "specific" troubles. But seeing that docs are trained in locating a prognosis and prescribing a drug or recommending surgical procedure for that problem, they rarely look for the underlying root purpose of these troubles.

I'm now not suggesting that Vitamin D is going to restoration all of these problems. It isn't the magic bullet that people are searching out to repair all in their troubles- any other very Western Medicine approach to sickness states.

But, in the case of ALL of these sicknesses, every one in my view has been studied the use of Vitamin D and EACH ONE has had a measure of fulfillment being either prevented or progressed the use of Vitamin D. Yet docs, once they have a affected person with ALL of those problems collectively- Not an unusual state of affairs- refuse to examine Low Vitamin D Levels as a possible motive and as an element of the treatment regimen.

The Medical Establishment does no longer change as fast as studies does- and is often takes Decades or maybe Centuries for medicine to exchange in reaction.

(For individuals who think that I am exaggerating, there had been research finished as a long way back because the late 1800's that confirmed that smoking contributes to fitness troubles, yet the AMA took no formal stance on smoking until the 1970's!)

So, lamentably, it's miles usually as much as the health care patron (in other phrases YOU!) to do their personal studies in order that YOU can promote your personal fitness and be proactive.I urge you to get your Vitamin D Level Checked and Take Enough Vitamin D to get your Vitamin D Blood Levels between 50-eighty ng/ml as advocated through many researchers. It may want to take the Medical Establishment one hundred future years round to understanding the "Long Latency Effects" of Vitamin D on health.

I for one, do not want to attend that lengthy and the era to do that is proper here, proper now!

Kerri Knox, RN is a Registered Nurse and Functional Medicine Practitioner. With over 14 years of revel in in health care, she has the specific attitude of being solidly grounded in Conventional Medicine and being well versed in Alternative Medicine. She makes use of a scientifically based totally 'What Works Best' technique so one can assist human beings clearly OVERCOME chronic health issues that have no longer been helped with the aid of any other method.

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