Meal Prep For Busy People

Throughout the years I have referenced to different individuals a formula I use to make a solid, natively constructed vegetable soup. I'm enthusiastic about getting ready nourishment ahead of time with the goal that it is constantly accessible.

As of late, I was posed some particular inquiries so I figured I would record everything with respect to fixings and planning.

A 6 quart slow cooker is required.

The fixings are chiefly acquired at my nearby Trader Joe's and are on the whole natural.


• Kale-1 10 ounce pack slashed

• Power Greens-2 5 ounce packs slashed

• Broccoli-1 20 ounce pack cut

• Carrots-4-cut into pieces

• Mushrooms-6 enormous mushrooms-cut into pieces

• Diced and Fire Roasted Tomatoes - 1 can

• Molasses-1 tablespoon

• Honey-1 tablespoon

• Sea salt-a squeeze

• Olive oil-1 tablespoon

• Flaxseed (ground dinner) - 33% of a cup

• Onion-1 little

• Garlic-a few gloves

Start by delicately sautéing the onion and garlic.

Put every one of the fixings into the stewing pot. Fill the slow cooker to inside a half inch of the top with sifted water. Spread the stewing pot and seal the top. Slow cook for nine or 10 hours.

At the point when the cooking procedure is completes and the fixings have cooled mix every one of the substance equally.

Normally the substance will give enough to fill four or five Tupperware compartments. Put the holders in the cooler for capacity.

I keep a defrosted compartment in my icebox with the goal that I can relegate the fixings consistently

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